Sunbeams on Snow

My own personal soapbox... make of it what you will. As far as the title... a memorable moment in life was when I lived overseas, and announced that I wanted to have it snowing outside and still be sunny. My friends said I was crazy. But you know what? The next day: sunbeams on snow. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

a + b x c doesn't = crap to me

I sit here at my desk, trying my damndest to avoid looking at the Probability and Statistics book that sits at the edge of my peripheral vision, like a monster in the closet waiting to attack me. It's only biding its time until I'm at my weakest...

If you don't know, you should be aware that I hate math. Really. Not a little, not sort of. It is a pure, deep, dark well of hatred (maybe combined with a little fear) for most things related to numbers. Or letters that think they're numbers, or vice-versa. (((sigh))) If there's a phobia of all things math that I haven't heard of, I probably have it and just wasn't aware.

For some reason, though, I do not fear geometry. Maybe it's because I like shapes and pictures, but geometry is my friend. Of all the math classes ever taken, I remember Geometry fondly. Part of it may have to do with the fact that I got a 108 in the class. Never before, and never again, have I gotten an A in Math. At least not since 5th grade. The other part may have to do with the fact that it seems applicable to me, as opposed to the utterly uselessness of algebra.

See... someday I may need to know the length of the shadow being created by my ladder leaning against an eight-story building. If the ladder is part of an art instillation, I may need to know how and where the shadow will be in order to create a cohesive piece. Or maybe I just want shade to lay down in, and need to know if the shadow is long enough. Either way, the point is that I see a reason to understanding Geometry. I see no reason for Algebra, other than to make me feel like an ignoramus.

But then again, maybe I just like geometry because I have mad tangram skills. While other people made a flower, I made a picture of a little girl swinging on a swingset.

So you may be better at Algebra, but whose picture will be displayed prominently on the refrigerator, huh, suckas?


Blogger Smander said...

Hamster....I suck at math!

I like the design of your blog! ;)

8:18 PM  

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